Hire AI Developer in 2024: Best 7+ Sites

The views expressed in this post are the writer's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Aloa or AloaLabs, LLC.

Exploring the top-tier sites to hire AI developer experts is an important step to take for startups and businesses looking to leverage the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The right candidates enable you to effectively build a team to build long-term partnerships while maintaining your budget and project requirements. 

Aloa has built its partner network of highly skilled individuals and teams from growing tech hubs like Latin America, India, and Ukraine. With our experience collaborating with highly-skilled talent, we know what to look for when choosing the right professionals to work with. Based on our insights, this blog shares the top-tier sites to hire AI developer experts in 2024. We'll review our recommendations, notable features of working with them, price plans, and what types of businesses benefit most from their offerings. 

Afterward, you'll have a well-defined list of options as you begin to hire AI developer professionals that meet the needs of your specific project and ultimate business goals. 

Let's get started!

7+ Excellent Sites To Hire AI Developer Experts in 2024

Hiring an AI developer is more convenient than ever, with various platforms available. Leveraging the strength of your chosen platform creates the perfect opportunity to start building out a team of the best AI developers available. Here are 7+ top-tier recommendations for 2024:

1. Aloa - Top Pick

Aloa home page

Aloa is a platform for businesses looking to hire AI developers from around the world, including Latin America, India, and Ukraine. With highly qualified professionals in disciplines from computer science to statistics and electrical engineering, Aloa provides the perfect fit for businesses of all sizes.

Aloa provides a one-stop shop, offering dedicated teams and individual developers from a partner network to tackle any AI project easily. Plus, you can be sure that Alcoa's team selection process is thorough, ensuring only the most experienced professionals join their partner network.

Notable Features of Working with Aloa

  • Multiple Industry Expertise: Aloa offers professionals with experience in numerous industries, such as healthcare, education, fintech, and retail.
  • Detailed Onboarding Process: Alcoa's onboarding process includes a detailed interview procedure that ensures all developers meet their high standards for quality.
  • AI Development Solutions: Aloa offers AI development solutions for various projects, from developing machine learning algorithms to natural language processing.
  • Pre-vetted Partner Network: Aloa's partner network of AI developers is pre-vetted and highly skilled, enabling you to experience the highest quality with every hire.
  • Managed Development Services: Aloa provides managed development services, leveraging their expertise to ensure the best outcome for your AI project.

Aloa Price Plans

Aloa offers flexible pricing plans, so you can scale up or down depending on your project requirements. To learn more about the best plan for your project, get in touch with our team; we'll walk you through the ideal solution and team for your project and work with you to create a plan that suits your budget and timeline.

Aloa is perfect for any startup or business looking to hire AI developers quickly and efficiently. With a wide variety of professionals available, you can be sure you'll find the right fit for your project needs.

2. Centenial.ai - AI Candidate Screening

centenial home page

Centenial.ai is known for having deep technical recruiting expertise, helping startups, businesses, and organizations build their pipeline of exceptional talent. With a focus on helping their clients quickly source the best candidates to fill the need to hire AI developers, Centenial.ai applies AI technology to provide a viable pipeline of options. 

Those working with Centenial.ai also benefit from their scalable solutions, making it easy to scale up or down based on existing needs and functions. Using their scalable solutions, businesses can efficiently fill the AI developer role while maintaining a cost-effective model that fits any budget. 

Notable Features of Working with Centenial.ai

  • AI-Enabled Recruiting: Use advanced recruiting searches to source the best candidates from their pool of qualified developers, including AI developers.
  • Simple Hiring: The three-step hiring process makes it easy for clients to start the process.
  • Proprietary Talent Graph: Optimized talent search that specifically matches talent with a business based on data-driven analytics.
  • Personalized Outreach: Their AI sends out personalized emails to potential candidates with high qualifications, enabling them to grow a large pool of qualified individuals from around the world.

Centenial.ai Price Plans

Centenial.ai offers users a free trial to test their recruiting and sourcing platform. While their final price is not disclosed on their website, you can easily reach out to their representatives and request a quote tailored to your immediate needs.  

Businesses and startups of all sizes and stages benefit from exploring Centenial.ai to hire AI developer individuals or teams. Their robust AI-enabled recruiting and sourcing process streamlines your ability to fill roles quickly and scale your operations based on current needs. 

3. Leeway Hertz - AI and Blockchain Development

leeway hertz home page

Leeway Hertz enables startups and enterprises to efficiently start building their AI and blockchain innovations in collaboration with highly skilled AI engineers and developers. They focus on creating solutions incorporating Chat GPT API to build solutions across multiple industries like finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and IT. 

As an established tech firm, Leeway Hertz has provided revenue-generating solutions to clients for 15+ years. In that time, their services have expanded to meet the needs of a highly digitalized world through key services like:

  • AI Development
  • Generative AI Development
  • AI Consulting

These services provide clients with the resources, knowledge, and tools to create state-of-the-art solutions that effectively leverage the growing market trends focused on AI solutions.

Notable Features of Working with Leeway Hertz:

  • Established Business: With 15+ years of operating experience, their teams know how to leverage the latest tech trends to create revenue-generating solutions at an efficient pace.
  • Multiple Industry Expertise: Their solutions span growing industries like health, finance, and education, making it easy to tap into specific requirements.
  • Generative AI Services: Leeway Hertz offers end-to-end solutions for generative AI development with expertise in GPT-4, LLaMA, PaLM 2, Claude, and more.
  • AI Development: Their AI development services focus on creating solutions that eliminate redundancy through automation.

Leeway Hertz Price Plans

Leeway Hertz does not disclose its service and product pricing on their website. However, scheduling a meeting with them through their website is simple. Your meeting will walk you through your needs when starting to hire AI developer experts. You'll also gain insight into the best solutions based on your needs. 

Startups and enterprises looking to leverage AI-driven technology in 2024 do well to explore the service offerings and innovations that Leeway Hertz provides. Their established record in the industry makes them an organized and efficient solution to fast-paced requirements. 

4. Gun.io - Worldwide Network of Talent

gun.io home page

Gun.io consolidates a worldwide list of talent for those looking for software engineers, including those who want to hire AI developer professionals. Their vast talent pool, however, does not complicate filling open positions. With managed hiring services, their team can efficiently provide you with a short list of qualified candidates for your AI development projects. 

Access to a list of pre-vetted, reliable, and remote talent allows clients to work with the best talents at flexible and budget-friendly hiring models. Their options come in Freelance and Direct Hire, making collaborating easy based on hiring needs. 

Notable Features of Working with Gun.io

  • Pre-vetted Professionals: Work closely with their hiring team to source and hire AI developer talent from their list of pre-vetted professionals.
  • Streamlined Hiring Process: Their simple hiring process alleviates the time-consuming task of vetting individual resumes. Instead, you'll gain access to a short list of the best candidates.
  • Worldwide Talent: Remorse working models make working with AI developers from anywhere easy, opening up more opportunities to find the ideal candidate.
  • Flexible Engagement: Choose between Direct Hire or Freelance contracts based on project type, timeline, and budget.
  • Managed Services: Leverage managed services that see their team handling the finer details of working with their developers, from billing, communication, and productivity reporting.

Gun.io Price Plans

Gun.io makes connecting with and hiring AI developer talents easy through their platform. To explore the website's solutions more thoroughly, create a free account with them. For more detailed breakdowns, contact their representatives to schedule a meeting. 

Startups and businesses looking to optimize their hiring process for an AI developer do well to look into what Gun.io offers. With flexible hiring models and access to worldwide talent, their resources make it simple to source the ideal candidate or candidates to work with. 

5. Andela - Remote Teams in Africa and Latin America

andela home page

Andela specializes in helping businesses build their remote team from Africa and Latin America, including those looking to hire AI developer professionals. In tandem with their AI-driven platform, Andela Talent Cloud, those looking to hire remote teams can access a streamlined and organized process. The Andela Talent Cloud also leverages AI technology to match candidates to clients by applying hundreds of touch points. 

With Andela's streamlined hiring solutions, you can hire AI developer experts that provide innovative solutions for your critical problems. Taking advantage of the power of AI technology developed by perfectly matched candidates, you can start to scale and grow more opportunities.

Notable Features of Working with Andela:

  • Access To Andela Talent Cloud: Leverage the Talent Cloud to match with ideal candidates that meet your specific requirements.
  • Comprehensive AI development Solutions: Collaborate with their team to identify the best approach to your AI development project.
  • Flexible Hiring: Choose how to engage with talent based on your timeline and budget.
  • High Skill Levels: Leverage the expertise of their AI developers, experienced in 750+ frameworks and tools.

Andela Price Plans:

Andela does not disclose its prices on its website, but you can find out more about its offerings and prices by scheduling a meeting with its representatives. During your meeting, you'll unlock the best approach to hiring an AI developer and what solutions best fit your requirements. 

Enterprises and larger startups benefit from learning more about how Andela can fill the role of AI developer. Whether looking to onboard a team or individuals, their flexible hiring models offer the ideal solutions for working with remote teams in emerging tech hubs across Africa and Latin America. 

6. X-Team - On-Demand Developer Teams

x-team home page

X-Team offers on-demand developer teams for those looking to hire AI developer professionals. With their remote developer force, you'll benefit from their team of experienced developers providing a wide range of solutions. These include expertise in big data, machine learning, natural language processing, and autonomous driving.

With X-Team powered by AI technology, clients can take advantage of their ability to quickly respond to project requests. Their AI-driven platform allows them to instantly match developers with clients, allowing for a quicker turnaround time. 

Notable Features of Working with X-Team:

  • On-Demand Developer Teams: Connect with an on-demand team of experienced software developers specializing in AI development projects.
  • AI Matching: Leverage AI technology to instantly match clients with developers suited to their project requirements.
  • Flexible Engagement: Choose between short- or long-term engagements and hire individual developers or teams.
  • Range of Expertise: Their experienced team provides solutions across various topics, from natural language processing to autonomous driving.

X-Team Price Plans

X-Team offers different pricing plans and packages for businesses looking to hire an AI developer. Their on-demand team plans include monthly rates based on the size of their team. At the same time, individual freelance options are available by request. For more information about their prices, reach out to their representatives directly. 

7. Freeup - Pre-vetted Freelance Network

free-up home page

Freeup is a vast freelance network platform that offers businesses a pre-vetted list of top AI developers looking for freelance work. As their platform is free to join, you don't have to worry about costly fees or membership charges. You can conveniently access the Freeup mobile app to hire an AI developer and check in with team members.

Notable Features of Working with Freeup:

  • Pre-vetted AI Developers: Gain access to a pre-vetted network of top AI developer freelancers.
  • Free up Mobile App: Conveniently check in with team members and quickly hire an AI developer from anywhere with the mobile app.
  • Affordable Rates: Enjoy flexible rates for every budget.
  • Dedicated Account Manager: Receive the support of a dedicated account manager to help with specific project requirements and timelines.

Freeup Price Plans

Freeup does not provide any upfront charge for joining their platform or offer any packages. Instead, you only pay when you hire an AI developer through their platform. The rate you'll be paying is based on the expertise and skill level of the freelancer you hire. Furthermore, Freeup also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for all projects worked on through their platform. 

8. Altar.io - Digital Product Solutions for Entrepreneurs and Enterprises

altar.io home page

Altar.io provides digital product solutions for entrepreneurs and enterprises looking to hire AI developer professionals. Their platform helps businesses leverage AI technologies by offering a complete suite of tools that accelerate development. Altar.io also features an AI-driven platform with project management, team coordination, and collaboration capabilities.

With their experienced AI developers, you can optimize your digital products to turn them into powerful tools. Altar.io also has a wide range of AI development services, from natural language processing to computer vision.

Notable Features of Working with Altar.io:

  • Experienced AI Developers: Work with an experienced team of AI developers specializing in various topics.
  • Accelerated Development Process: Benefit from their suite of tools to speed up the development process.
  • AI-based Platform: Leverage the AI-driven platform for project management, team coordination, and collaboration capabilities.
  • Range of Services: Take advantage of a comprehensive range of services from natural language processing to computer vision.

Altar.io Price Plans

Altar.io does not offer specific pricing plans on its website, but you can request a demo to learn more about its services and fees. During your free consultation, you can ask how they can help with your project and receive advice tailored to your needs. Furthermore, Altar.io also offers custom solutions depending on your project requirements and budget.  

Essential Skills of an AI Developer

As you start to hire AI developer experts to build out your team, knowing what the essential skills make it easier to effectively identify the best candidate or team for your project. AI development requires a few key skills, and understanding what they are can help find the ideal match.

Let's go through a list of general technical and soft skills that are required for AI developers:

essential skills of an ai developer

Technical Skills

Technical skills refer to the skills an AI developer should possess regarding software and algorithm development. Below, we've outlined some of the top technical skills an AI developer should have:

Proficiency in Programming Languages

Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, C/C++, and JavaScript is essential for any AI developer. The ability to write code for different applications is a must-have skill for any successful AI developer.

years of experience

Data Engineering and Analysis

Data engineering and data analysis skills are essential for AI development. AI developers with a good grasp of data science can process, clean, and normalize data to build and deploy machine learning models. Knowledge of database management systems is also essential for building scalable products.

Algorithms and Machine Learning

AI developers should deeply understand machine learning algorithms such as linear and logistic regression, decision trees, and neural networks. They must also be proficient in developing algorithms for natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as sentiment analysis and topic modeling.

Soft Skills

Besides technical skills, AI developers should possess some essential soft skills to help them collaborate effectively with other team members and stakeholders. Here are a few essential soft skills for AI developers:

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

AI developers must have strong communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with other team members effectively. They should be able to communicate their ideas clearly and understand the feedback stakeholders offer.

Problem-Solving Skills

AI development requires a lot of problem-solving skills. AI developers should be able to think creatively and develop innovative solutions for complex problems. They must also be adept at debugging errors quickly and effectively.

Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are essential for any successful AI developer. Leaders need to be able to motivate their teams, manage projects and provide direction when needed. They must also be able to inspire and guide their team members toward the desired goals.

Time Management Skills

Time management skills are crucial for AI development projects. AI developers should be able to manage their time effectively and work within deadlines to deliver successful projects. They must also be able to prioritize tasks and delegate work appropriately.

With these essential skills, you can search for the perfect AI developer or team to work on your project. Armed with an effective hiring strategy and the knowledge of what skills to look for, you'll be able to find the best fit for your team in no time!

Key Takeaway

Starting to hire AI developer professionals enables businesses and startups to take advantage of market trends and leverage AI technologies to build powerful digital products. Knowing where to begin your search and the essential technical and soft skills required for AI development helps identify your project's best candidate or team. Finally, an effective hiring strategy and timely decisions will help you find the perfect fit for your company's needs!

For more details on hiring top-tier AI developers, explore our Playbooks, where you'll get valuable insights and processes for identifying the right AI developer for your team. Whether you're looking to hire a single expert or an entire team, we'll help you find the perfect match quickly and cost-effectively! 

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