Manage Your Outsourcing Partner Relationship

Your relationship with your outsourcing partner depends on proper expectations management and giving positive feedback. Learn the best way to give both positive and negative feedback.

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Giving constructive feedback is all about providing actionable, direct feedback. You shouldn't beat around the bush, nor should you only give feedback when something goes wrong.

In This Playbook:

  • Examples of good and bad ways to provide feedback
  • A description of important areas to set and manage expectations
  • A summary of how Aloa manages our relationship our outsourcing partner

A major portion of managing your relationship with your outsourcing is learning about your team members, their culture, and their work style. Get on the same page early in the relationship and don't be afraid to ask questions when you're uncertain.

Our Outsourcing Strategists at Aloa have the benefit of a long and successful working relationship with our outsourcing partners. They can help make sure nothing is lost in translation, and ensure a smooth relationship between you and your outsourcing partner.

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