
We set out to change the way companies outsource software development. Learn about what it takes to effectively outsource and what to expect before you begin.

Loom: Asynchronous Video Messaging Tool Review

Loom is a great tool that can help any remote team collaborate better. Read more to learn how Loom can streamline asynchronous meetings, bug logging, and more in our review.

End-to-End Testing Overview

The goal of end-to-end (E2E) testing is to simulate real user experiences on your application. Read about different E2E testing strategies and tools.

Integration Testing Overview

Our overview of integration testing strategies was written to help you choose the best testing method for your system or project.

Risk Analysis 101

Risk analysis is a critical step in a software development project. Learn how to work with your team to identify risks and their impact, and mitigate their effect.

How to Onboard Software Developers

Onboarding new software developers to an existing project can be difficult. Read our guide on how you can transition to your new team smoothly.

What Is a Software Bug?

What is a software bug? Bugs in software are extremely common and should not cause alarm. With proper debugging and planning ahead, your team can crush any bug.

Outsourcing Amidst COVID-19: Launching Your Startup

Entrepreneurship During a Pandemic Comes With a Lot of Uncertainty and Risk That Can Be Hard to Swallow. Digitizing Your Business Can Help You Not Only Survive but Thrive During the Current Times. Work With Aloa to Take Your Business to the Digital World.

Ensure Software Developer Code Quality With CI/CD Tools

Learn how you can optimize your software deployment processes with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline.

Ready to learn more? 
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Running a business is hard,
Software development shouldn't be ✌️